LOADIX : the first autonomous agricultural handling robot
The embedded technologies of LOADIX
Vision, Localization, and Navigation
Handling / Lifting Arm
Implement changeover
LOADIX's Autonomy
The autonomy of your LOADIX depends on the length of its routes, the weight it carries, and the number of task repetitions. Generally, a LOADIX can operate autonomously for 2 to 4 hours, allowing it to complete several work sessions in a day with short recharge breaks. It is important to note that LOADIX does not let its battery fully deplete before recharging. Instead, it assesses the optimal time to recharge based on the urgency of the assigned mission and the battery’s charge level. This optimization strategy helps to maintain the battery and extend its lifespan.
With the Manurob software
LOADIX Connect: The App for Real-Time Monitoring of Your LOADIX
LOADIX Connect is a simple and intuitive application that allows you to plan LOADIX's missions and receive useful real-time information. The interactive app sends you notifications when your robot completes a mission or when a potential issue arises.Advantages
Up to date
No worry maintenance
The stages for installing a LOADIX :
Your operation is compatible with a LOADIX and you'd like to have one on your farm. The first step is to contact us to discuss your needs and your project. We'll answer all your questions.
You've decided to adopt a LOADIX on your farm. The ManuRob team will configure your robot and install the necessary equipment (wifi relays, charging station, the ManuRob hub...). Finally, we'll provide you with the training you need to feel at ease with your LOADIX.
Congratulations! Your LOADIX is ready to use. Designate the type of organic material stored at each pre-programmed storage point. Create your rations - you may have different mixes for your biogas unit depending on arrivals or the season. Then set the missions in the agenda for the dates and times that suit you. LOADIX will take care of everything from there on...totally autonomously!
Frequently asked questions
Does LOADIX require human intervention?
You only need to set the recipes, materials, and quantities you want to move in the LOADIX Connect app and schedule these tasks in LOADIX’s calendar. No further intervention is usually required, except for maintenance approximately every 1500 hours.
Does LOADIX emit CO2?
During its use, LOADIX emits no CO2.
What is the weight of LOADIX ?
Empty, LOADIX weighs 5 tons. When fully loaded, it can weigh up to 7 tons.
Is LOADIX noisy ?
An electric motor powers the hydraulic system. When LOADIX moves or operates its arm, you will hear its electric motor, but the noise is not strong.