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ManuRob wins silver medal for best innovation at Bio 360!

ManuRob unveils Loadix, the first autonomous agricultural handling robot, and wins the silver medal for innovation at the Bio360 trade show in Nantes in January 2024.

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Back to SIMA 2022: Loadix's first time!

From November 6 to 10, 2022, the SIMA 2022 trade show took place, a major event renowned for highlighting the agricultural innovations that are shaping a more sustainable world every day.

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LOADIX: A response to the traceability of inputs imposed by the RED II regulation

It's no surprise that, as of July 1, 2023, anaerobic digestion plants producing more than 19.5 GWh per year must be able to provide traceability of their inputs. The aim of this European regulation is to encourage and supervise the production of renewable energy.

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